Seventh Sphere Spells

Icon Name Description Mana Cast Time Cast Range Min. Level Reagents
Chain LightningChain Lightning Increases Dexterity and speed. Mana: 40 4024070Black Pearls,Blood Moss,Mandrake Root,Spider's Silk
FlamestrikeFlamestrike Increases Dexterity and speed. Mana: 40 Cast4024070Sulfurous Ash,Mandrake Root,Spider's Silk
GateGate Summons a portal to travel to any marked location. 402070Black Pearls,Mandrake Root,Sulfurous Ash
Meteor SwarmMeteor Swarm Increases Dexterity and speed. Mana: 40 Cas4021070Blood Moss,Mandrake Root,Spider's Silk,Sulfurous Ash
PolymorphPolymorph Summons a portal to travel to any marked locat402070Blood Moss,Mandrake Root,Spider's Silk