Second Sphere Spells

Icon Name Description Mana Cast Time Cast Range Min. Level Reagents
AgilityAgility Increases Dexterity and speed. Mana: 6 Cast Time61.24020Blood Moss,Mandrake Root
CunningCunning Increases Intelligence. Mana: 6 Cast Time: 1.2s 61.24020Black Pearls,Mandrake Root
Earth BladeEarth Blade Enhances your weapon with fire damage. Mana:61.24020Mandrake Root,Sulfurous Ash
Fire BladeFire Blade Enhances your weapon with fire damage. Mana: 61.24020Blood Moss,Sulfurous Ash
Ice BladeIce Blade Enhances your weapon with fire damage. Mana: 661.24020Black Pearls,Sulfurous Ash
ProtectionProtection Increases Defence. Mana: 6 Cast Time: 1.2s Re61.24020Garlic,Ginseng,Sulfurous Ash
StrengthenStrengthen Increases Strength. Mana: 6 Cast Time: 1.2s R61.24020Mandrake Root,Nightshade
Wind BladeWind Blade Enhances your weapon with fire damage. Mana: 61.24020Ginseng,Sulfurous Ash