Fourth Sphere Spells

Icon Name Description Mana Cast Time Cast Range Min. Level Reagents
CurseCurse Curses the target reducing all attributes. Mana: 1111.54040Garlic,Nightshade,Sulfurous Ash
Fire FieldFire Field Creates an area of fire. Mana: 11 Cast Time: 111.54040Black Pearls,Spider's Silk,Sulfurous Ash
Greater HealGreater Heal Heals for a large amount. Mana: 11 Cast Tim111.54040Garlic,Ginseng,Mandrake Root,Spider's Silk
Lightning BoltLightning Bolt Summons a lightning bolt from the sky to 111.54040Mandrake Root,Sulfurous Ash
Mana DrainMana Drain Reduces the targets mana pool. Mana: 11 Cast 111.54040Black Pearls,Mandrake Root,Spider's Silk
Mass CureMass Cure Casts cure in a large area. Mana: 11 Cast Time111.54040Garlic,Ginseng,Mandrake Root
Mass ProtectMass Protect Casts protect in a large area. Mana: 11 Cas111.54040Garlic,Ginseng,Mandrake Root,Sulfurous Ash
RecallRecall Teleports you to any location marked on a runesto111.5040Black Pearls,Blood Moss,Mandrake Root